The Premio Mercanteinfiera comes from the idea that art and culture are represented not only by great names and well-known faces, but also and especially by people who made the difference with passion and commitment in the Italian and European culture over the last 20-30 years. Not only that: we thought about young people too, to all the new organizations emerging all over the world.
As far as 2017 is concerned, the jury decided to award Gianluigi Ricuperati, a young writer from Turin who turned the interdisciplinarity of art into his own main feature.
As far as 2016 is concerned, THE JURY decided to award Galleria Carla Sozzani Gallery – 10 Corso Como, a crossroad for fashion, design, photography and art in all its forms.
MoRE Museum was awarded in 2015: a young institution created and coordinated by CAPAS – Centro per le Attività e le Professioni delle Arti e dello Spettacolo, University of Parma: a true digital museum where all unrealised artistic expressions are gathered.
Marzia Corraini was awarded in 2014: co-founder of the Festival Letteratura di Mantova and Corraini Edizioni, a very important publishing institution, acknowledged in foreign countries too.
Dedicated exhibitions were born thanks to this prize and experiences, both set in the beautiful location of Palazzo Pigorini, simultaneously with Mercanteinfiera Autunno. The goal is to create a constant interaction between art and display, between Exhibition and territory, between culture itself and who creates it, in some type of continuous and deep osmosis.
- Fabio Castelli
director and founder of MIA Fair - Laura Maria Ferraris
Arts and Culture Councillor for the Municipality of Parma - Silvia Evangelisti
teacher at the University of Bologna - Simona Riva
design archive manager at CSAC, University of Parma - Pierluigi Spagoni
Marketing Manager for Fiere di Parma - Ilaria Dazzi
Marketing Manager for Mercanteinfiera, Mercanteinfiera Off