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The recognition and its variations


The Premio Mercanteinfiera comes from the idea that art and culture are represented not only by great names and well-known faces, but also and especially by people who made the difference with passion and commitment in the Italian and European culture over the last 20-30 years. Not only that: we thought about young people too, to all the new organizations emerging all over the world.


As far as 2017 is concerned, the jury decided to award Gianluigi Ricuperati, a young writer from Turin who turned the interdisciplinarity of art into his own main feature.

As far as 2016 is concerned, THE JURY decided to award Galleria Carla Sozzani Gallery – 10 Corso Como, a crossroad for fashion, design, photography and art in all its forms.

MoRE Museum was awarded in 2015: a young institution created and coordinated by CAPAS – Centro per le Attività e le Professioni delle Arti e dello Spettacolo, University of Parma: a true digital museum where all unrealised artistic expressions are gathered.

Marzia Corraini was awarded in 2014: co-founder of the Festival Letteratura di Mantova and Corraini Edizioni, a very important publishing institution, acknowledged in foreign countries too.

Dedicated exhibitions were born thanks to this prize and experiences, both set in the beautiful location of Palazzo Pigorini, simultaneously with Mercanteinfiera Autunno. The goal is to create a constant interaction between art and display, between Exhibition and territory, between culture itself and who creates it, in some type of continuous and deep osmosis.


  • Fabio Castelli
    director and founder of MIA Fair
  • Laura Maria Ferraris
    Arts and Culture Councillor for the Municipality of Parma
  • Silvia Evangelisti
    teacher at the University of Bologna
  • Simona Riva
    design archive manager at CSAC, University of Parma
  • Pierluigi Spagoni
    Marketing Manager for Fiere di Parma
  • Ilaria Dazzi
    Marketing Manager for Mercanteinfiera, Mercanteinfiera Off
Premio 2017

Gianluigi Ricuperati

Young, but already on the launching pad. He is especially able to range over different artistic expressions, thus creating a certain dialogue between them while gazing towards contemporaneity. This is the reason why the jury made of qualified experts decided to award him with the Premio Mercanteinfiera 2017 prize, making him the successor of Carla Sozzani.

The writer from Turin will be among the main characters in the next edition of Mercanteinfiera: less and less exhibition, more and more project aiming at combining different forms of art in the name of multidisciplinariety.

Gianluigi Ricuperati (1977), writer and director of Domus Academy, has been “Cross-disciplinary Curator” of the MIA Fair cultural program since 2015. He is the founder and the director of the Institute for Production of Wonder, headquartered in Turin and London. His publications, reportages and papers are published by Rizzoli, Bollati Boringheri, minimum fax and Mondadori. Further publications will be issued for Feltrinelli in Italy and for Gallimard in France.

He collaborates with Italian magazines and newspapers such as Volume, Domus, Abitare, Vogue,, Dazed and Confused, Repubblica, Sole 24 Ore, Flash Art, 032C.

He partnered with Castello di Rivoli – Museo d’Arte contemporanea with the following institutions: ETH Zurich, Artissima, Fondazione CRT, Biennale Interieur, Storefront for Art and Architecture.

Premio 2014

Marzia Corraini

Corso Como, crossroad of fashion, design, photography and art. Central place for cultural and aesthetical blend thanks to its bookshop, the photograph gallery, fashion and design. Carla Sozzani, inspirer and harbinger of tastes, who marked a deep change in the history of our custom.

These are the premises which led the jury of Premio Mercanteinfiera, awarded yearly from Fiere di Parma to choose 10 Corso Como – founded in 1990 by Carla Sozzani – as winner of the 2015 award.

The prize, now in its third edition, was awarded on the 10th of November at the Arts and Culture Councillor’s Office of the Municipality of Parma. A choice linked to the meaning that this “Italian fashion world icon” managed to give to the meaning of art itself: not only a business, but also true lifestyle philosophy, best practice of International panorama. 10 Corso Como is the first concept which created a dialogue between culture and sociality, synonym for style all over the world and undeniable place for the city of Milan. Sozzani “living magazine” in which you can spend an entire day: not only a multi-functional space in which wandering surrounded by the gallery, the store, the café and the 3 Rooms Hotel, but a true microcosm where art, fashion, photography and design meet and influence one another. And if this blending is normal nowadays, it is also thanks to the courage and the visionary skills of Carla Sozzani whose Galleria is the most authentic tale with more than two hundreds exhibitions dedicated to historical masters of photography over twenty-five years. The first floor – inside a courtyard of an old industrial building featuring a typical architecture of Milan – is dedicated to photography, art, design and architecture. Since 1990, the Galleria hosted more than 200 exhibitions of world–renowned photographers such as: Helmut Newton, Annie Leibovitz, Bruce Weber, Bert Stern, Sarah Moon, Paolo Roversi, David Bailey, Hiro, David LaChapelle, Erwin Blumenfeld, Jacques Henri Lartigue, Francesca Woodman, Daido Moriyama.

Premio 2015


Museum of efused and unrealised art projects

It is a digital museum that collects, conserves and exhibits online projects created by artists of the XX and XXI century. MoRE is produced by the Others cultural association which has joined CAPAS, the University of Parma Center. The online museum collects and exhibits only projects that have been designed for specific occasions in specific contexts, even if not necessarily on commission, and which have not been developed for technical, logistical, ideological, economic, moral or ethical reasons.

Premio Mercanteinfiera 2016

Galleria Carla Sozzani

Pioneering name in the universe of the artist’s book, he deals with contemporary art, design, illustration, publishing. With her husband Maurizio Corraini, she founded the gallery and publishing house of the same name in Mantova. For 20 years he has collaborated with Bruno Munari, becoming the reference publisher and organizing exhibitions and meetings with him. He is among the creators and organizers of the Opla project dedicated to artist books for children together with the Merano library and is one of the eight founders of Festivaletteratura in Mantova.


11-19 October 2025 | 10.00 - 19.00
9-10 October 2025 | 8.00 - 19.00

Online Ticket: €12
On site ticket: €15

Fiere di Parma
Viale delle Esposizioni, 393A
43126 Parma, Italia